If you're not familiar with the X-Men series of movies - or the Marvel comic books on which the films are based - the basic story is of a group of 'mutants' and their struggle to gain acceptance by non-mutants.
But also whilst surfing I found that you can send your children on X- Men classes!
I’m surprised there aren’t any Autistic Star Trek Academies or Rain Man training centres or what about a Mr Bean Autistic Comedy Club. Or maybe there are?
Reading American blogs about autism, we here in the UK are in comparison are very quiet, we don’t have as yet the likes of Jenny McCarthy or Ransom notes or X-Men classes. My non blogging English friends have never heard of these! Oh we did though start the MMR scare!
Joking aside. I take C back to boarding school today, whilst washing and packing with mixed feelings about his return, i started reading about the tragic case of 3 year old Katherine McCarron. For those of you in the UK who may not have heard, her mother Karen a Doctor smothered Katherine to death in May 2006. Katherine was autistic. The trial has just started. Autism Vox will im sure keep you updated.
All I can say is how tragic for the whole McCarron family... I hope 'C' has a good trip back to school and you are not too upset to see him go again.
The trial is very sad, it seems a regular thing these days when a mother will jump off a bridge with her autistic child or do something else out of desperation. Its very upsetting to read if you live in these shoes.
Hope C gets back to school without any problems, enjoy a little bit of peace. X
Hope all goes well with C's trip back to school!
LOL :-)
Be very thankful that you don't have any Jenny McCarthy types over there yet- it's so frustrating to watch people wasting time on that kind of nonsense when our time and energy could be put to actually make life better for our kids. I'm an optimist, so I always hope that at some point people will actually start paying attention to the science, and ignoring the crazy people :-)
And a funny about Star Trek...my husband is into it, to say the least (although I did draw the line at schematic drawings of the Enterprise in the living room)...after having met a lot of Trekkers in my life, I'd be surprised if there weren't a huge percentage of them that are on the spectrum. That's not a bad thing, but it does make them more fun to hang out with!
I hope that C has a good trip back to school!
I doubt the little mite's mother will last very long in prison. A few words and thoughts spring to mind and as you know I am against do-gooding.
Mr Bean. I used to love watching him.
Crystal xx
I also hope you have a peaceful journey and that you and C have both enjoyed being together over the holidays.
I love the X-Men movies as I think we can all learn acceptance from them.
I hope C has a safe trip back and that you aren't too worse for the wear.
this is the first i've heard of little kate having autism, or her mom being charged with her murder! :(
i hope that evil woman fries, if found guilty! grrrrrrrrrrr
These people are selfish. The article and the story is sad.I hope school goes well for C.
I clicked on the link for the x-men classes. I can see that it's about the awareness that many kids have today but people don't understand. It's an awareness which many of us can't even begin to comprehend. They call it ADD or ADHD but is it really? These children are here to *teach* us, not the other way around. I have a daughter with very unique abilities that go beyond anything I ever could have imagined. I've learned a great deal from her.
How very sad to hear about Karen and her child.
Our family has a virulent strain of ADD/ADHD. Or you'd think it was dangerous and contagious. Your sentiments on autism are similar to mine on ADD. There's nothing "wrong" with us. We just think differently, see things differently. Granted, my son and I are on meds to help us focus, but it doesn't seem to detract from the creativity and energy.
I know that it in no way compares, but I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you and your blog, even if I understand just a tiny bit. Have a great day.
Thinking of you today - I'm sure you're going to miss your son.
Good luck with the transition, both you and C.
My husband is a big X-Men fan. We have a closet full of comic books. :) Now I will have to go rewatch them movies.
I always thought that Data was a little rain man like. Leave it to TV to portray autism with a robot.
Thank you for the link to Autism Vox.
I can understand frustration and even anger at times when you have a disabled child. Self pity and depression are also something I can get behind at times but never never never will I understand mothers who kill their children. It's almost too sad to be believed. I know there are histories of mental illness etc. in almost all of these cases - it still doesn't help me understand.
Have a good trip back with C.
Re Autism: they go on about the "autistic spectrum" now don't they... and that newly isolated condition called Aspergers... One of my friends is seriously odd in a nonspecific kind of way... really difficult to put your finger on... SHE was accused of having Aspergers. (Not by a professional; by someone who'd seen a TV docu on the matter...)
I also wish C the best as he goes back to school.
My thoughts and heart are with you as you take your "little man" back to school. You are a strong one, I'll give ya that.
And how very sad about that little girl. Yet I also feel sadness for her mother, something horribly torturous must have been going on in her head for that to happen. Horrible all the way around...
Thanks for always making me look at things in a new way. I am not much into X-Man, but hearing you speak of them as trying to gain acceptance, well, it makes it a bit more interesting. I'll have a look at the links later, but wanted to say Thanks!
Yes I watched the X-men films - if we could all learn not to be judgmental - but we all do it often without even realising - it is part of everyday conversation and yet we all fear being judged.
Hope your trip taking C back to school was ok - and hope too you can make the party tomorrow night - might cheer you up if you are feeling at all down.
So sad.
Aww...Say Hi to C for me....hope you're both doing ok.
That's got to be so hard to be separated from your son. I hope your handling it ok. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I've never heard that, either! It is certainly interesting to hear. Allegorically speaking, there is a lot to be learned from the X Men, about people with illnesses or about race relationships, tolerance and understanding.
And they are very entertaining.
I know they used to have a program for kids called Space Camp. It would be interesting to see a Star Trek derivative. Perhaps that's your golden opportunity! One could leave quite a mark on society, and in a positive manner.
Not sure how we managed to miss it, but I think we have enough 'entertainment' already. Sorry about back to school time, always stressful.
Very sad indeed. I do hope that C's return to school is as smooth as possible for you both.
I hope C enjoys himself at school, Have a good day!
I bet that soon enough, more will write about it in the UK like here in the States. Autism needs greater understanding and educating in the public eye.
There is just not much support out there. It is nice to have blogland fr support.
Hope school goes well for C
It's amazing how many different versions of non-acceptance there are. I know. So many are cast out or shoved aside in this dog eat dog world.
Such a very heartbreaking tragedy. To think this lady was a doctor and was supposed to help people, I am at a loss for words.
Have a great time back to school C!
My husband is a big sci fi and comic book fan, so I've seen a lot of Star Trek and all the X-men movies. Both franchises are inspiring in terms of representing people who are different. Not sure what to think about the X-men camp though.
As an American, am not so proud of Jen McCarthy and or Ransom Notes, but am proud of the people who work hard to counter those messages.
The McCarron case is so sad. Will have to make an effort to follow the court proceedings.
ohhh that is a tragic sad story about that little girl. have not heard of it since I am in the US. With C at boarding school will you have a lot of free solo time? if so I hope you take care of yourself.
We happened to catch one of the X-Men movies on cable by chance one night. J seemed pretty interested in it. It wouldn't surpriuse me if he was able to identify with it on some level. I had never heard of this school though.
Be thankful you don't have a Jenny McCarthy in the UK. I wish she'd just shut up and go away.
Best wishes with bring C back to school.
I hope it wasn't too bad takign him back. and that is just so sad what a shame some think THAT is the easy way out.
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