Sunday, 25 November 2007

Optical illusions

Please take care if epileptic

They seem to move yet they are static

Angry face on the left and happy on the right. Step back away from the screen and see what happens!

And here's one last one for today

Its interesting to look at things differently.


Steve said...

Whoa... freaky. Especially the happy face / angry face one!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Casdok! I'll take your word for it!

Crystal xx

Dr. Russell Norman Murray said...

A lesson, much of life is about perception.


Casdok said...

Isnt it just!!

buffalodick said...

Great! Now the phrase "I can't believe my eyes!" turns out to be true!

katy said...

OMG this is just too weird!

Dark Side said...

Ok I will take your word for it, I wear varifocals so can't see it and if I take them off it's all just a blur....xx

Anonymous said...

Cool picts!
Thankx for dropping by my place!

Anonymous said...

Have you read Jenny McCarthy's book about her autistic son? I was just wondering if it was interesting as well as helpful?

Anonymous said...

"Louder than Words" is the title. Here's the link if you're interested...

Lori at Spinning Yellow said...

Cool! I love that sort of thing!

Elizabethd said...

Very odd! Shows we souldnt take any picture for granted.

Marla said...

I can't get the last one of the happy/angry face to do anything. Argh!

MarmiteToasty said...

I am now laying on the floor having a 'funny turn'...... lol

Very weird those optical thingies..... it well does me head in lol


Casdok said...

Nancy thank you for telling me about Jenny McCarthy's book, but she is a bit of a touchy subject!!

Jenn O'Neil said...

wow Casdok - thanks for the reminder about perception.

Carrie Wilson Link said...

What a timely metaphor!

Anonymous said...

I can't get the mad/happy faces to do anything either!

moonrat said...

woah! the faces are pretty freaky, but i think the top one with the flying cars was the freakiest!

S said...

i've always loved these. thanks for sharing some!

QUASAR9 said...

Just shows you cannot believe everything you 'see'
them faces are subtle ...

I've sometimes seen people I thought I knew, only to discover close-up they were not.

But amazing what a little focus (or out of focus) will do - I can see how C or someone autistic has face recognition difficulty.

PS - Them beetles seem to be sucked into the abyss, rather than 'flying' out. The effect is even stronger on enlarged image.

Blessed said...

Hello Casdok!
Thank you so very much for stopping by my blog!

I hope to see you again!

And now after seeing this post I'm a bit dizzy and finally awake.
Too trippy!


Anonymous said...

I liked the pink dot one... when I looked at the black X in the middle they didn't just disappear all at once, they slowly disappeared; first the top half, then one at a time on the bottom half. Very cool. C:)

Jay said...

oh wow that last illusion was freaky! nice!

Anonymous said...

Huh! thanks a bunch, now I have a spotty green kitchen.

Anonymous said...

Amazing but then as they say things are rarely what they seem!

Rita said...

On the last one I thought about how the number remained constant & well it changed my perspective from freaky to mathematical concepts...& I suppose there is a logical explanation to everything.

Fire Byrd said...

oh I'm all giddy now, or maybe I shouldn't have had that drink before loking at them!!

Anonymous said...

wow...that was cool!

Nea said...

Thanks Casdok. Not just for today's post, but for all your posts, eye-openers all of them.

And Craig, I shall be booking an appointment with my optician now.

Kim Ayres said...

I now have spots in front of my eyes...

Thanks for taking the time to visit and comment on my blog by the way.

Anonymous said...

very cool. I noticed if you look dead center, everything is still. I'm sure its metaphorically appropriate, but that takes too much thought on a Sunday.

Anonymous said...

I can't get the faces to do anything :(

Chris H said...

Too cool!

Faith said...

Mmm good - liked the pink dots one.

Anonymous said...

Really cool stuff. My favorite was probably the faces. I couldn't make the pink dots totally go away but they would fade in spots.

Dr. Deb said...

I LOVE things like this!

Thanks for the fun.

Vi said...

ooo the last one is freaky!

Omega Mum said...

What fun. Enjoyed this very much. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Those are always fun to look at. Freaky!

Anonymous said...

What are the faces supposed to do? I can't get them to do anything.

Steve H said...

thanks for stopping by... these are really cool!

akakarma said...

I saw all of the green dots! Interesting huh?

Kaytie said...

Clearly, your blog is genius!

Those optical illusions always give me a bit of a headache. I've never seen those grey faces before...

Anonymous said...

A perfect rule to live by - "We don't always see what we think we see!"
Lovely to be back!

Anonymous said...

This was fun, I really had fun with it. It is all about how we look at things isn't it. Such an important life lesson...

Anonymous said...

Awesome, nice one!

I used to live in the UK (Ascot Berks) and I worked for a while at Heathermount school for high functioning austistic and asperger's children, I learnt a lot about the disorder during my time there.

I have two little boys, one is 2.5 and the other 9 months. Some days I am so exhausted and drained and emotionally wasted from tending to them.

I have been reading some of your posts and I want you to know that I admire you for your strength, love, acceptance and commitment to C. It would be a great thing if more women were as good a mother as you. It brings me to tears in fact.

Ello - Ellen Oh said...

Ooh that made me dizzy! ;o)

Shari said...

I've seen optical illusions before, but these are new. They really trick the eyes, don't they?
Thanks for sharing. :)

Mary said...

This is hurting my post election drinks head!!

DJ Kirkby said...

The faces look idfferent up close but the same when I step away and the other two pictures didn't move at all for me...why?

Casdok said...

I dont know!!!!
A few people commented on the face one though, maybe they didnt step far back enough?

Samantha said...

The car one gave me heart palpitations. I have no idea why.

QUASAR9 said...

dj kirkby
maybe you are shotsighted
(not longsighted)

cher said...

this is the coolest post i've seen in ages!!!!