With advancements in technology the inspirations on Star Trek may one day become reality. And just think what difference it could make to our children

Hypo Spray, a needless injection. C cant have any injections as its just too difficult and dangerous. This would be make such a difference. And if they could take blood samples this way to.....

Tricorders. Wouldn’t this make life so much simple to just be able to scan our children to find out what was ailing them. This would have saved C so much trauma.

Universal Translator. Wonder if this could be used in Review meetings so I knew what they were really trying to say!
As C doesn’t speak to decipher his high pitched squeals and other noises would be wonderful (or would it??!)

Cloaking Device, now this could be useful. I will let your imagination run with this one!
Food Replicator No more cooking or shopping in supermarkets!

Transporter. How useful would this be?! No more waiting in traffic jams, queuing for public transport. Getting your child into the bathroom! Etc
I'm sure a few of these are only a matter of time.
I was given this beautifully hand crafted 'Quick Wit' award along with Maddy by Angela from Memoirs of a Chaotic Mommy for making her laugh (and cry) Angela has asked me to pass it on to 5 people who make me laugh.
Many blogs have made me laugh and cry so not an easy choice, but i would like to pass this award onto; Magneto Bold Too!" A dust bunny in the wind, Ramblings Of A Madman, Fullofbullshite and mother's pride. Hope you enjoy!