Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Does TV cause autism?

Aunt of Shrek phoned last night to ask if it was ok to let my young nephew watch more TV whilst he wasn’t very well, as she had heard too much TV for young children wasn’t very good.

This reminded me a year or so ago there was a study about TV causing autism! I kid you not! Does this mean no one was autistic before TV was invented??!
Over the years there have been many theories to the cause of autism. One of the first was it was the fault of refrigerator parenting! We now know this not to be true!
Then there was mercury and food intolerance, even rain, the MMR, and Indigo and Crystal children. And im sure many others. And I wonder what will be next! In the mean time I will just enjoy C for who he is.

In my opinion its genetic and environment.

So yes sis it is ok for 7 0f 8 to watch TV (but not too much!)! Hope he feels better soon xx